Praise to the Lord - CD

Praise to the Lord - CD

Our Price:  £2.99


Code:  22120
Artist  Jorijn van Hese
Genre  Soloists


IntradaSteven Verhelst2.45
2Praise to the LordChris Woods arr. Stephen Bulla3.16
3Guardian of my soulDarren Shaw4.46
4Pressing OnwardErik Leidzén arr. Ian Jones4.53
5ScherzoAntony Paasch1.14
6Toccata - Oh the Blessed LordWilfred Heaton6.07
7Rolling ThunderHenry Filmore arr. Micah Everett1.42
8Flight of the BumblebeeRimsky-Korsakov arr. Bryan Doughty0.39
9LightwalkBarrie Gott arr. Ian Jones3.43
10Amazing Gracearr. Sam Creamer3.46
11Count Your BlessingsBrindley Boon arr. Ian Jones6.07
12The Invincible ArmyErik Leidzén arr. Ian Jones2.16
13HoovertuneSteven Verhelst5.20
14The ThundererJohn Philip Sousa arr. Peter Smalley2.13
15Montreal CitadelNorman Audoire arr. Alexander Addis3.15

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