Occasionally you read something so refreshingly sane and intelligent that you find yourself thinking that there's life in the old Church yet. John Pritchard . . . has written just such a handbook for anyone who is thinking about what it means to be a Christian, or anyone whose discipleship has got boring or unsatisfying. Taking the obligations of prayer, Bible reading, going to church and living a Christian 'life-style' one by one, Pritchard blows the dust off old teaching and worn assumptions. He teaches us that there is more than one way to approach all these things, and encourages us to look honestly at God, and ourselves - not our neighbour in the pew' The Sign 'This [book] will give the new convert and the tired old soldier alike a gentle but firm push in the right direction without setting anyone's teeth on edge' New Directions ' . . . this is one of the most valuable books I have come across for a long time' The Reader
Author: John Pritchard
Publisher: SPCK
ISBN: 9780281057566