Sing to the Lord, Children's Voices Series, Volume 30

Sing to the Lord, Children's Voices Series, Volume 30

Our Price:  £4.50


Code:  102070
Genre  Vocal
Series  Sing to the Lord
Publisher  SP&S

For 30 years, Sing to the Lord (Children’s Voices Series) has been invaluable to the ongoing ministry of young people’s singing groups. This year, Music Editorial have again collaborated with the Resources Unit to provide Songs Unpacked, a teaching resource that can be used alongside this issue. For each song there is included specific vocal warm-ups or rehearsal tips, Bible passages, stories, prayers, and activities all designed to enhance the understanding of the song.

The six songs in this issue contain a variety of styles and themes from both new and returning lyricists and composers, from the beautifully simple Christmas song, A humble King by Michelle Dodds, to the musical theatre style of Stopped in my tracks by Kay Moorby and Simon Gash. It is worth noting that In my quiet times by Stephanie Lamplough and Nicholas King features an optional instrumental part which is provided at the back of the octavo. This was originally intended to be played on a Cornet Bb, however, we have also included a part that can be played by concert pitch instruments. It is our hope that the material contained within this book, as well as the accompanying resources, will challenge and equip your group as you understand more of God through your singing.

Included in this volume is:

  • Do not be anxious (Philippians 4:6-7/Jonathan Mead)
  • In my quiet times (Stephanie Lamplough/Nicholas King)
  • I give you my praise (Osei Stewart/Donald Montgomery)
  • Stopped in my tracks (Kay Moorby/Simon Gash)
  • Shout for joy (Psalm 100/Gavin Whitehouse)
  • A humble King (M.D./Michelle Dodds)

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